Is the Moon really moving away from Earth? Scientists themselves are surprised by this research.

Moon and Earth: Is the Moon really moving away from Earth? Scientists themselves are surprised by this research

Moon and Earth Distance: Did you imagine that the distance between the Earth and the Moon would increase but now it has become a reality.

Moon and Earth: Is the Moon really moving away from Earth?  Scientists themselves are surprised by this research

Moon and Earth Rotation: You must have read many such stories and poetry in which poets and writers talk about bringing the moon and stars to the ground. People appreciate such imagination of poets and writers, but those who love science are never able to digest it. This recent research shows that the moon is getting away from the earth every year, but the process of moving away is so slow that it is not easy to see it with open eyes. Let us know what scientists have found in their research.

What has come in research

We do not say that the distance of the moon is increasing from the earth, but this research of NASA says. In 1969, NASA installed reflective panels on the moon through the Apollo mission. Through these panels, it has been found that the moon is moving about 1.5 inches away from the earth every year. Significantly, the moon was formed about 450 million years ago, but it was not at the same distance as it exists today. Scientists found in their research that about 246 million years ago, the distance of the Moon from the Earth was only 60 thousand kilometers. During that day the day is only 17 hours.

what if the moon goes away

It would be a bit difficult for ordinary humans to think about it, but Richard Wondrak, a lunar scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, had told its effect in the year 2017 itself. He said that due to the distance of the moon, the number and frequency of total solar eclipses will start decreasing and the last solar eclipse of the earth will be seen after 600 million years. Due to its cause on Earth, the process of day and night will be affected and there will be no lunar eclipse. This effect will be seen on the tides in the sea, due to which the weather will also change. 

Regard : Mr. Prakhar Vishwakarma

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