Frozen Water on Moon: The secret of the dark part of the moon has been revealed... there is 6 lakh crore KG 'frozen water'
- Mr. Prakhar ,
- 04 May 2022,
- Updated at 10:42 AM IST
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This is on 9 October 2009. A two-tonne rocket hit the surface of the moon at a speed of 9000 kilometers per hour. So much fire came out that the surface of the moon became hot by hundreds of degrees Celsius. Only for a while... but a lot of white light was seen coming out of a dark deep crater. The name of this crater is Cabeus Crater. (Photo: PLAD RESEARCH )
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The rocket crash was not an accident.The American space agency NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) mission deliberately hit the lunar surface. So that it can be found out that if a rocket hits the dark side of the moon, then what comes out from there?What kind of dust or smoke comes out? (Photo: PLAD RESEARCH )
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Another NASA spacecraft was following the rocket, so that it could take pictures of the time of the collision. Apart from this, NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter was taking stock of the whole scene from afar. When scientists saw the pictures of both the spacecraft, they were surprised… they saw 155 kg of water vapor in the dust created by the rocket's collision on the surface of the moon. (Photo: PLAD RESEARCH )
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That was the first time that water was found on the moon. Anthony Colapret, principal investigator for LCROSS at NASA's Ames Research Center, said it was an astonishing sight. We checked all the photos several times. Every time it was the same result. Planetary scientist Mark Robinson of Arizona State University says that it is true that there is no source of water or treasure on the moon. (Photo: PLAD RESEARCH
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Mark Robinson said that there is no atmosphere. The environment is extreme. There is not much hope of water being formed and sustained from anywhere. However, 25 years ago, when a spacecraft discovered hydrogen at the poles of the moon, it was also expressed that there may be ice frozen there. LCROSS has proved this theory. (Photo: PLAD RESEARCH )
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Scientist Valentin Bickel of Germany-based Max Planck Institute of Solar System Research said that after thorough investigation, it was found that 6 trillion kilograms of water is present on the moon. Most of this part is in that part of the moon at both the poles, which is always in the dark. Which are called Permanently Shadowed Regions (PSRs). There are craters like Cabeus, where sunlight never reaches. They are always in the dark. (Photo: PLAD RESEARCH )
Planetary scientist Parvati Prem of Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory said that some PSRs are even colder than Pluto. This means that there will definitely be snow there. In the area where they are, the possibility of their melting is also very less. It may also be that the ice that is present inside them has remained the same for millions of years. Maybe from here there is a connection between the formation and origin of water on earth. This can be useful in future during long space missions of humans. (Photo: PLAD RESEARCH )
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Next year i.e. in the year 2023, NASA is preparing to send robots to investigate these PSRs of the moon.These robotic vehicles will go to these craters and investigate there. Will find out if there is really that much snow there. After this, by the end of this decade, NASA is preparing to send humans to the moon. Because no one knows what is in the dark side of the moon. This is a big secret.Scientists are uniting to uncover which. (Photo: PLAD RESEARCH )
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Patrick O'Brien, a graduate student at the University of Arizona, says that shadows are present in the shadows in the dark part of the moon. It is so dark here that ancient snow can be found there. The temperature goes up to minus 250 degrees Celsius.Therefore, it is very important to find out whether the sources there can ever be used by humans in any of their missions or not. (Photo: PLAD RESEARCH )
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